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Greener Cars with the Volkswagen Catalytic Converter

The VW Catalytic Converter is an emission-control product that is specifically designed to clean up the exhausts of one’s Volkswagen. A gasoline-powered internal combustion engine like the Volkswagen’s produces by-products such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides. Located just after the muffler as part of a Volkswagen’s exhausts system, the VW Catalytic Converter works to convert the harmful emission substances into less harmful ones like carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and water. Inside Volkswagen Catalytic Converters are pellets or a honeycomb made of platinum or palladium. These honeycomb or pellets are used as catalysts that help in speeding up the chemical process. As the harmful exhaust chemicals mix up with the catalysts, they are converted into less harmful ones.

Use a Volkswagen Catalytic Converter for better emissions. Protect the environment and breathe healthy air by getting a VW Catalytic Converter.

The Volkswagen Catalytic Converter works in three stages: through the reduction catalyst, the oxidation catalyst, and the control system. In the first stage, platinum and rhodium are used to reduce the nitrogen oxide emissions. In the second stage, unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide are reduced as they are burned over a platinum and palladium catalyst. The oxidation catalyst facilitates the reaction of the carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons through the remaining oxygen in the exhaust gas. The third and last stage is in charge of monitoring the exhaust stream and in utilizing the information gathered in order to control the fuel injection system.

Since the VW Catalytic Converter plays a significant role when it comes to a Volkswagen’s emissions, it is important to have a properly functioning converter. When rattling noises on the catalyst is already being heard, it is a sign that one needs to replace the Volkswagen Catalytic Converter with a new one. The Volkswagen’s emission performance will greatly be affected if the catalytic converter is worn out. It is best, therefore, not to permit this to happen. Keep a Volkswagen green by immediately replacing its catalytic converter at the first signs of wear and tear.

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